Planning for the worst

Protection Planning

This may be a difficult matter to consider, but one day, hopefully many decades off, you are going to die.  You may get ill along the way. Death and illness are not pleasant to consider, but every day is a potential risk and nobody wants to worry about money in a crisis.

Make sure you have one less thing to worry about by having sufficient life insurance, critical illness and income protection in place.  If you own your own business, you might be able to get the business to pay for life cover.  We can even make sure you have a Will in place too.

Let’s have a chat about it, even though it might be difficult to discuss​.


Investment Planning

Whether you are saving every month for a specific reason or you already have savings, let’s make sure you make the right decisions with your money.  Pictures of silver haired couples driving through France in their open top cars are all well and good, but we prefer to help you plan for growth, an income, or money if there is an emergency.  

Let’s make sure you’re saving in the right place and that you’re taking the right risks.  We can tell you how much you need to save, or how much income you can take from your nest egg.

Talk to us about tax efficient savings and investments.


Retirement Planning

Life moves fast.  One minute you’re indestructible, with plans for world domination.  The next, you need to get up in the middle of the night and stairs fill you with dread.  Most of us won’t work forever and we will all need more than the State pension when we stop working.  

Whether you want to save for, or are approaching retirement, we can help plan the financial side of things.  Retiring is complex, so let us do the difficult bits for you.

Whether your idea of retirement is looking after the Grandchildren and a nice game of Sudoko, driving sports cars in France, or travelling the world, let’s make sure you don’t need to worry about money and get the most from your pensions.

Planning for your children/grandchildren

Inheritance Tax Planning

You made it beyond middle age.  Well done!  You have a house and because of our excellent planning, some lucrative investments and your pension income.  You’ve sold the sports car and don’t want to travel abroad again.

Perhaps you now need some help at home, or need to go into care. Let’s make sure you fund care in the most efficient way and that both you and your family understand the financial implications.

You definitely don’t like the idea of the government taking all the wealth you built up in tax!  Talk to us about the ways we can mitigate Inheritance Tax and ensure that your family and not the Chancellor, inherits your hard-earned wealth.

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For experienced and highly qualified advice, please get in touch. Rest assured you are in capable hands.

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